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Travel for healing

I was always attracted to the transformative idea of ​​traveling. I started traveling to learn and because of the immense possibilities of being better, understanding, and above all knowing other ways of living, of doing, of being. I understand that for each one, this experience must be different: each one has his way, his characteristics, his history, memory and present, as well as different tools to make his way in the world. Lately I have been getting into the topic of healing and I could not help but immediately intersect these two things: traveling and healing. It can not be any other way. There are many ways in which travel heals us. We will begin a process of reflection towards this end through the blog posts.

Many times I have felt the call -and my intuition led me- to deepen my spiritual search. Have you ever felt you need to look for the connection with your spirit? It is normal. In this search to experience mystical cultures, explore natural places of power or connecting with ancient wisdom keepers… many things have been of help. Here are some ideas and suggestions to start this journey to healing and to yourself.

“‘Travel, like life, throws up important questions about how we cope with change, loss and the unknown,” adds counsellor Emma Brech. “Often, when we’ve experienced personal loss or grief, the trauma of it can make those concepts feel unbearable, overwhelming. And yet, with careful planning, a world adventure can restore our sense of autonomy, broaden our perspective, build our resilience – and quite literally, open up new landscapes in which we experience ourselves in new and exciting ways.”

Travel to take courses

Exposing ourselves to learning in a different environment and different things always adds up. Languages, art, a new skill, make and intern or a fellowship. Volunteer!


There are sacred places in the world where different cultures concentrate their spiritual journeys. Searching and facing a pilgrimage can be a wonderful way to have a spiritual experience as we travel and meet.

Consciously Connected Travel

Stay alert and listen to your intuition. Always. Everywhere.

Travel not to escape, but to meet with yourself

The reality is that we will always be with ourselves, the search begins and ends within us. It's no use running away to meet yourself.

Travel to get challenged

I have overcome many challenges and moments of doubt because I see travel as a challenge and the opportunity to know as an immense privilege.

Travel to get inspired

When I lack inspiration, color, joy, reasons ... travel to find them.

To feel stronger

Travel empowers us! In every moment and in every opportunity.

To get rid of possessions and material objects

When we leave everything behind we realize how little we really need to be well.

Travel to reconnect and reflect

Sometimes it is necessary to pause and reflect to reconnect with our being, our essence, plans and goals. Doing it every so often brings important benefits of focus and clarity.

Travel to be amazed by nature

The world has amazing places where nature simply leaves us amazed. This type of experience comforts the soul and makes us understand our place in this beautiful world, together with everything else that lives here.

Travel to confirm your ethical commitments

Respect for other cultures, traditions and religions, the love of knowing and learning, among other ethical commitments, can be put into practice frequently when traveling.

Travel to seek new perspectives

If you lack ideas, knowledge or tools, if you feel that you have to look at things differently or turn a topic around, travel! The answers may also be looking for you.

Travel to know other forms of spirituality

Quite simply, when it comes to devoting ourselves to our spirituality, we must explore several paths. We do not have the truth in our hands and every culture and society has something of profit or some element to imitate. Knowing other forms of spirituality, our opportunities for other forms of healing and growth, will certainly increase.

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